I wanted to say thank you for a long long time. The rally in Canada was so beautiful to watch and the live streams so valuable that it was the beginning of my son's journey into freedom being severely impacted and why bitcoin matters so much. It was the mechanism that made him understand, watching live, then me showing him the news media version up there. He saw extended family relationships severely tested and damaged but us supporting this movement. Sadly the worst was family living in Ottowa at the time who believed she knew more than I about the selfish awful truckers blocking downtown and scaring residents because she lived there and I did not, so my new sources must be tainted. My son and I just said, but we're watching live and seeing the truth, no news sources. At any rate I wanted to finally reach out and thank you and ALL the families who participated. For those of us who paid attention it was a heartfelt journey and allowed for my child's mind to ne open to why I was so very concerned and believed Trudeau's actions were a danger to human rights world wide. A test if you will, for everyone else to see what a population could be blindly tricked into supporting.
I am grateful that we had the opportunity to witness such loving freedom seeking people come together in a way that would wake up the world, and most importantly, some kids like mine. This was the seed that planted the belief in bitcoin for my kid being so much more important than making money or crypto. It launched his journey into wanting to educate others on why bitcoin is the way and that younger generations need to understand this as soon as humanly possible.
Thank you for all you do! This is a long over due note of appreciation.