Honking for Freedom
News • Politics
Benjamin J. Dichter, Author of Honking For Freedom and spokesperson from the Canadian Truckers Convoy (Freedom Convoy) discusses, politics, philosophy, Bitcoin and finance as well as some of the ongoing legal cases tied to freedom convoy.
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January 31, 2024

2 years ago today was the 1st Freedom Convoy press conference where I banned legacy media with the exception of @rupasubramanya.

Just as we finished @ThevoiceAlexa of @RebelNewsOnline
messaged me having missed the presser asking for an interview.

Tamara Lich & I stayed for an almost 1 hour long exclusive interview for the biggest news story in the planet.

Yet @ezralevant buried the interview.

How does any “News Agency” bury the exclusive interview for the biggest news story in the planet?

I took this quick picture just as we started.

post photo preview
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